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5 simple tips to find a job

5 simple tips to find a job
Getting a good job is not always easy at first, but you don't need to have a cousin in the city council; with a little perseverance, everything is possible.

Creating our own work profile

If we are very shy and hate talking to strangers, we should not look for jobs dealing with the public. Obvious, right? Well, not so much, because many times we don't stop to think about our disadvantages and skills before starting to send resumes and then we realize that we hate our job. It is much more useful than it seems to sit down for a moment and think. Take paper and pen and ask ourselves the following questions: what am I good at?, what do I like to do?, where do I excel?, what am I worst at?, what things do I not like to do?, what are my short, medium and long-term goals? Knowing ourselves a little better will help us focus on one sector or another and face interviews and work, when they come, with more confidence in our worth. Having an eTitle and attaching it to the applications will also speak well of us by providing companies with an electronic document that certifies our qualification. This electronic document guarantees the integrity of the information it contains and has the same legal validity as the original document. In this way, the titles of job candidates or oppositions can be shared and consulted online by job platforms and the Administration to verify the validity of the candidates' qualification, with full guarantees of truthfulness and legal backing, which facilitates the incorporation into the job market of graduates.

Mentally preparing to avoid frustration

It is not logical to think that just because we have sent a few resumes, we will be called the next day. Sometimes there is luck and sometimes not, so we should not despair. Getting a job, especially one that is worthwhile, is not normally a matter of a moment. If in the first week we have applied to 40 offers and have not received any calls, we may feel that we have worked in vain or that we will not get a job, and that is not true. We must persevere, go slowly and send resumes with a clear head and not to any offer that appears, maintain an optimistic attitude and arm ourselves with patience. In the end, we will have our chance. It is not bad to ask the companies that have rejected us what their reasons have been. Politely, we can contact the person responsible for human resources and ask, in order to improve, what reasons have led them to reject our application. In this way, we will know if there is something in our CV that is not right, if we lack training and should expand it or apply for lower positions, if the cover letter was not appropriate, etc.

Follow an organization method to find a job

Good organization is vital for everything to go well and for us to improve in our applications. It is advisable to write down the places where we have submitted the resume and the dates in case we want to insist later on. It is also good to keep track of the channels we have used to do so (phone, emails, job websites, temporary employment agencies, etc.), and we should not feel ashamed to try to access the position through different means: we can send the application if we have seen the offer online, but we can also bring the resume in person, call by phone or apply through LinkedIn. It is not about being annoying, but about showing interest and ensuring that we are taken into account.

More visible resumes and personal image

We must create a resume that speaks well of us, that is appropriate for the position we aspire to (it is advisable to have different models) and that is honest. We should not be afraid to be creative: doing something different will give us more visibility. If we don't already have it, we should create a profile on LinkedIn and fill it with quality content. We must keep it updated and interact with others. Keeping our social networks «presentable is very necessary. At least the part that is public. Everything we post says a lot about us: our tastes, political ideology, creed or lack thereof, sense of humor... Companies are increasingly consulting public profiles and, unfortunately, they may assume that we are not suitable for their staff. Talking to our friends, acquaintances and family members and making our job application public is more useful than it seems. You never know who knows someone who may be looking for a worker with our profile.

Attitude in the job interview

And when we finally get called, it is important not to ruin all our efforts by not being able to face the interview. We must control stress: it is nothing more than a simple conversation about the position and our skills, it is not that big a deal. We must be direct, sincere and not get carried away with anecdotes, but we must not be dry or unpleasant either. It is about maintaining a cordial and polite attitude. Our gestures give us away: we must control nervous movements (such as shaking our leg constantly or biting our nails), look into the interviewer's eyes, maintain a straight back, breathe normally and relax as much as possible. Remembering our worth and our strengths before starting will help us trust ourselves more. That confidence is transmitted and will impress the interviewer.