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7 lessons we learn from having to retake an exam

7 lessons we learn from having to retake an exam
If we have to retake an exam because we failed it the first time, there's no need to worry. Here are 7 lessons that we will enjoy learning.  

Mistakes: that great teacher

Even the most studious people sometimes find themselves in the situation of having to retake an exam. While we study to obtain our eTítulo university degree or a master's degree, no matter how studious we are, we will all have the chance to fail an exam or even a whole subject. And yes, making mistakes is fortunate because, if we are minimally intelligent, we will learn a lot from the experience and it will be a turning point to start a very constructive process of personal growth.

1. Planning and organization

The first thing we learn when we have to retake an exam is to know how to calculate the time we need to prepare a subject well. Some are simple and others are very difficult; some are easy for us and others seem to be explained in an alien language. Either way, it teaches us to calculate the necessary time for future occasions. And related to this, let's move on to the second lesson.

2. Don't study at the last minute

Even if we are great at the subject, even if we are gods in that field, studying at the last minute is a bad idea because we will not have consolidated the knowledge in such a short study time and because the stress of not having studied can backfire and leave us with a blank mind at the worst moment.

3. Use appropriate study techniques for each subject

Another very useful thing we learn when we have to retake an exam is to use study techniques wisely. It is not enough to learn one and use it for every subject; to make them truly useful, we must choose the one that suits each subject the most. For example, if we have to memorize, we can use mnemonic rules. When we have to cover a large amount of material, we can use study cards, mind maps, outlines, etc. If the exam is multiple choice, we can use comprehensive reading, create our own questionnaires, and so on until we know the techniques that will make our study time truly effective in each circumstance.

4. We are not alone in the world

A good lesson we can learn from retaking an exam is that we can ask for help. The word "companion" is precious. The RAE defines it in its first meaning as: Person who accompanies another for some purpose. The fourth meaning is even better: Person who has or shares the same luck or fortune as another. That being said, there is no need to delve further; companions can and should help each other. We must and can give and ask for help.

5. Combat stress

Sometimes, retaking an exam is not because we haven't studied. Sometimes it is because nerves have defeated us. When the level of stress becomes unbearable, thinking and remembering becomes impossible. That is why the lesson we must learn is not to underestimate what stress can cause and to make an effort to find and learn the appropriate relaxation techniques for us. We must not forget that mental health comes before any exam.

6. Learn from mistakes... literally

Yes, falling down and getting back up and all those things we already know, but also, having to retake an exam gives us the opportunity to know exactly where we went wrong, which parts of the syllabus we were weaker in, and what we need to study again with more attention. Obviously, this would not have happened if we had used the Leitner technique to study, but since we are here, let's learn from the mistake and face the syllabus again knowing where we went wrong, what type of questions the teachers asked us, and how they want us to answer them.

7. Know yourself better

When everything goes well for us, it is easy to be critical of others and make conjectures about how things should be done. When the mistake is ours, what a wonder! Nothing puts us in our place better than having gotten ourselves into trouble. Making mistakes allows us to self-evaluate with greater objectivity (also others with greater empathy). It helps us tolerate frustration, a life lesson we need as soon as possible. It allows us to improve our resilience and adapt better to any circumstance. It teaches us perseverance and that it is worth making an effort for our goals. It gives us the opportunity to see this setback as a challenge that will help us grow. In addition, experience will show us that failing an exam is not the end of the world and that it is not good to be too demanding with ourselves. Retaking an exam has all this good and some other things. It is also difficult, it wastes time, and depending on the type of exam, it can even cost money. If it happens to us once, it is educational, if it happens to us many times, it means that we have not learned anything, so let's not make it a habit.