When was the last time you treated yourself to buying a book? If the answer is not just yesterday, then remember that today is Book Day. Take advantage. What is celebrated on Book Day?
International Book Day is celebrated on April 23 because, in theory, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega died on April 23, 1616, which turned out to be true only in the case of the latter. But we are not going to stop celebrating such a wonderful day just because the International Publishers Union and UNESCO did not verify the information of such illustrious deaths. The thing is that regardless of when they died, all of them and many others have left, leave and will leave an immortal legacy of works of art that deserve a celebration in style.
Take a break today to enjoy reading
We know you are overwhelmed with the
final sprint to pass the course, that the teachers have recommended 500 readings and that if you are with the
TFG, you almost feel like your eyes are bleeding from so much reading, but precisely for that reason you have to read today and relax for a while. Do you think it is absurd to read to rest from reading? Well, it is not. You see, reading is something we do constantly: we read what we see on social networks, we read the notes we take in class, we read the signs on the street, the
whatsapp messages we receive,
e-mails, subtitles of the series we like ... We spend the day reading, but we rarely stop to enjoy it. And it is important to remember that
reading is one of the greatest pleasures in life. That is why, celebrate your book day by reading something that you don't need to read, but that you want to read.
Choose something from your favorite author or from one you don't know and immerse yourself in a different world for a day. Allow yourself to travel and disconnect for a while from reality and its burdens and enjoy.
Plan a date with yourself on Book Day
To celebrate Book Day as it deserves, we recommend that you get up at a reasonable time and go for a walk. Visit the stalls and bookstores that will always open on this special day and choose your book. Then go to a park, a café or wherever you want and disconnect your phone. Open the book, smell it, feel the touch of the paper between your fingers and start reading. After this day of tranquility, you will have
reduced your stress and you will feel stronger and motivated to continue with the exhausting daily routines, because yes, because dedicating time to ourselves and
reading a good novel is the best thing to recharge the battery that is already so worn out at this point.
And why do we HAVE to read?
Because we are human. Period. Reading and writing make us unique as a species. A mole digs about 5 meters of earth per hour, the sailfish exceeds 80 km per hour swimming, the otter uses stones as tools to dive into the water and to break the shellfish it eats. Can you imagine a mole that doesn't know how to dig, a fish that can't swim, or an otter that doesn't know how to use tools to eat? We, human beings, do not have more predators than viruses, so an illiterate person will not die of hunger in our society (thank goodness). But it is a true tragedy that someone misses out on something so ours, so human, so essential.
Do not go against your nature
In our society, reading literature has nothing to do with surviving, but it does have to do with our personal development. Being human, being a person, is directly related to our culture (not only literary, but also oral, musical, pictorial, sculptural, social, etc.), with the vision we have of the world, with how open or closed our mind is, with how we use language or how we construct our thoughts. Reading is essential for that development and as students we must understand that we cannot limit our readings to what is obligatory, to what is automatic; because yes, it is possible that by adhering to that we will achieve our dream
eTitle and a good job, but we will not have covered everything we could cover. A person who does not read is equally a person, but will be more empty, will have less general culture and will be unhappier, and that is precisely what we have to celebrate on Book Day: the happiness of being able to read, of being human. Happy Book Day to all, enjoy it!