If things haven't gone as well as we wanted in the EBAU, there's no need to despair: there are ways to improve your grade and pursue the career of our dreams. It almost always goes well, but not always so well
Every year, thousands of students face the entrance exam full of nerves, doubts, and hopes. And it's normal for the vast majority to pass, as reflected in the
statistics. Therefore, the problem is usually not whether we pass or not, but that the grade is not what we wanted. But that doesn't mean we have to give up and study something we don't like. Although not all roads lead to Rome in the world of studies, there are a few Roman roads that we can take to achieve our goal. Let's see how:
If we have failed the EBAU
Now, if we fail the first exam, the retake will be in July, so we will still have the content fresh in our minds and we will only need to review the exams that didn't go well. The important thing is to organize ourselves well and set a fixed daily study schedule so that everything goes smoothly the second time. If we have studied a lot and our grades are still low, we can take the opportunity to improve our study techniques, which will be very useful for our university career and for obtaining our
eTítulo: efficient study techniques will make the path easier. It's important to remember that universities upload all past exams to the internet, and taking exams is always
the best study technique we can use.
A gap year after the EBAU?
If in July things still haven't gone well and we are considering the idea of waiting a year to try again, it's important that it's not a wasted year spent at home doing nothing useful. A
gap year should be used to travel and learn new
languages, or to acquire knowledge that will help us enter the career we wanted to pursue. It's best to find out what courses can help us get into the degree we want and start working on them; we shouldn't waste a year of our lives just because we didn't get in the first time. If we're going to wait, let it be worth it.
If we have passed the EBAU but want to improve our grade
Even if we have passed the entrance exam, our grade may not be enough to get into the desired degree. This may be the situation that causes us the most headaches. The first thing is to gather information about the
minimum grades for all universities in different regions, and make sure that our grade really needs to be improved. If there's no other way and we need more points, we can retake the exam in July. We can retake the general phase, the specific phase, or both, and even change subjects, but we can't choose individual subjects from the general phase. And besides, it's impossible for our grade to decrease, because the highest score from any exam will always be saved.
The great option of vocational training
If we choose to do a vocational training program to access the degree, once we obtain the diploma, the admission grade will be the average grade of the program, so this is also an option to consider because there may even be subjects that we can have credited, and we will gain technical experience compared to our classmates who entered directly. In addition, if we see that the average grade of the vocational program is not enough, we can take the specific phase of the entrance exam to improve it.
Infinite EBAU exams
Before, we had four chances to enter university, but now that limit has been removed, so let's be calm because we can take the exam as many times as we want. The important thing is to be able to choose the degree that we are most passionate about, so that we don't find ourselves frustrated studying something that
we're not passionate about and having to decide whether to
change in the middle of the course. Studying the career of our dreams is the most rewarding thing there is, so don't give up, study hard, and follow our advice on the
blog so that we can help you. Good luck!