Except for exceptions, when we study we have to juggle the economy to make ends meet. Let's see some tips for saving easily: Although we usually have help from our parents or we work part-time jobs while we get our
eTitle, studying a career involves a fixed amount of survival expenses (if we live away from home) and many variable leisure expenses (wherever we live). Learning to manage our money well and save on the little things is extremely important to have a better quality of life.
Planned economy
Leaving expenses to chance and relying on the credit card until there is nothing left is crazy. The economy must be planned and this is done by devoting some time to calculate with ourselves. Planning is fundamental for the economy, so we must know what our fixed monthly expenses are, how much we usually spend on food, and how much is left for leisure (if anything is left). We must avoid unnecessary expenses as much as possible and draw up a monthly budget. Fortunately, very useful apps have been invented that will help us be aware at all times of what we have left in the account and the expenses we have. This way, there will be no unpleasant surprises.
Smart shopping
Impulsive shopping is a constant temptation. Stores place their products counting on that and it is up to us to resist temptation. To make it easier for us, it is useful to have a well-structured shopping list and stick to it. In addition to not falling into temptations, we must also make a good meal plan and compare prices from different establishments. Buying in bulk, not buying known brands, or checking the offers of each establishment is always a good idea, but what most takes care of our economy is not wasting food because it has expired in the fridge. Again, planning ourselves well is the key.
Culinary skills
Cooking our own meals is not only a healthy choice, but it also takes care of our economy. Cooking is learned and you get the hang of it. The best thing is to devise a weekly menu and buy according to it. This way we avoid wasting food and, in addition, we can cook some recipes on a free afternoon to have ready portions in the freezer. It is important to remember that good nutrition is extremely important if we want our brain to function properly.
Efficient mobility
We are constantly moving, whether it is to attend classes or to go out with friends. If there is no other choice but to use the car, let's promote the use of shared vehicles, but whenever possible, let's use public transportation. For short trips, getting a
bicycle will not only save us a lot of money every month, but it will also take care of our health and if we use it often, we can even save on gyms.
Reduction of fixed expenses
These are the most difficult to reduce, but it is possible. Let the spirit of post-war grandmothers enter us and start comparing prices. There are different offers for supplies, aid that can be requested, offers from phone and internet providers, etc. And it is not only about finding the ones that offer us a better deal, but also about reviewing the duration and studying the new offers regularly, as companies often offer cheaper options over time. Other things that make us spend a lot are vices. Quitting smoking and drinking will have a great impact on our general well-being, both on our health and our economy.
Savings? What savings?
When we have a subsistence economy, when they talk to us about saving it seems like a bad joke, but it is possible. Even if it is a small amount, we can save something every month in case unexpected events arise, even if it is the coins we bring back home. We can also establish a fixed monthly amount that we can put in a piggy bank or a bank account. The important thing is that we are consistent and that we understand that this money should not be touched unless there is an emergency. We will sleep much more peacefully knowing that we have this small safety net.
Household economy Moocs
Although it is not a topic that we like, we should not rule out taking
some course (obviously free) that will help us manage our economy. In reality, it is general knowledge that should be taught to us from school, but if no one has done it, we can search for that training ourselves. It should be noted that any help in this regard will be very useful for the rest of our lives.