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Improve your memory quickly in 5 steps

Improve your memory quickly in 5 steps
Memory can be trained and the more we do it, the easier it will be for us to retain any information and prevent future problems.

Training works

The neuroplasticity of the brain gives us the possibility to improve our skills. Sometimes, it seems that we are born with some gifts and some defects and that these are immovable and shape our personality, but it is not true at all. We can change and improve our abilities. In fact, intelligence quotient is not as determining as it was thought, since it can undergo modifications if we keep our brain trained and active. Therefore, if we have a good brain training regularly, we will see increased abilities that are important to achieve our eTítulo at university, such as concentration, memory, or spatial orientation. We tell you how to train the brain to improve our memory in 5 steps:

1. Take care of yourself

Sleeping well is important for everything, but also for our memory, because during sleep, the brain is dedicated to “process” and “archive” what we have studied, so that the information is better retained if we sleep the necessary hours (at least 7). Eating properly and exercising, the same. A healthy brain that performs well will be part of a healthy body, as they are the same thing, so it is important to understand that health is a whole and that in this whole, mind and body are related.

2. Consistency and discipline

To exercise and improve our memory, we must dedicate a few minutes every day. We must be consistent to notice the results (which will really be perceived immediately) and have it as a daily routine. A few minutes will be enough to train our memory, we don't need to spend a thousand hours on the process because, fortunately, the brain is faster than abs and keeping it with a splendid neuronal chocolate tablet will hardly cost us anything. We can find pages on the Internet that can help us, books and video games, but basically, it is about performing different memorization routines and seeing how day by day we are able to retain more words or numbers.

3. Reading is good for everything and also for memory

What luck! No matter what study we look at, they always recommend reading! When we read, we activate many areas of our brain that we don't use in other ways. This helps our brain stay fit and even expand its potential. But it's not just about reading, we must make an effort to do a conscious reading in which, after a specific number of lines, we stop and ask ourselves: “what have I read?”. Putting that summary into our own words will make us memorize it much better and it will be good training for when exams come.

4. Learn a language

Learning a new language is a triathlon for neurons. If we really want to make our brain work to exercise memory, this will be one of the most effective ways to do it. In addition, studying a new language will always be more entertaining as training than memorizing lists of words in our own language; therefore, we just have to find the language that interests us and start as a challenge.

5. Turn everyday tasks into your training field

The limit is set by our creativity. How many phone numbers do we know by heart? Do we know the names of all the streets in our area? Do we get lost without the mobile's navigator? Learning a phone number every day is great training and more useful than we think in case our device breaks and we need to contact someone from another terminal. When we walk down the street, it is good to keep our attention in the present instead of walking like zombies thinking about our things. Paying attention to the names of the streets and shops we cross to create a mental map of our usual areas is a great exercise, as well as doing the same when we travel and we are not in our usual areas. Changes force our brain to adapt and stay alert, which is great training for memory.


Learning a song or a poem every week, finding a new hobby, learning to use a new device, studying solfeggio, memorizing a dance, doing crosswords… Training our memory is easier and more fun than it seems, and it will bring us multiple present and future benefits. Why not start today?