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Start the final part of the course. One last effort!

Start the final part of the course. One last effort!
There is little time left for the course to end and, with the arrival of good weather, the desire to study disappears and it is difficult for us to reach the goal. Resist! We have reached the final part of the course. In a little over a month we will start with the exams and in two months the summer holidays begin. If we manage well in these two months and make a final effort, we will be able to enjoy the holidays from the beginning without having to worry about retakes. It's worth it. As always, it's more about having good organization and consistency than killing ourselves with work, and now that the Easter holidays are over and we have disconnected and rested a bit, it's an ideal time to acquire new routines and habits that will help us finish the course successfully.

Let's start by having all the material

The sooner we have all the material we will need to prepare the subjects we will be examined on at the end of the course, the better. We will have less stress afterwards and it will be easier for us to calculate the time it will take us to prepare each subject. This is the time to get organized and set study schedules, so if we lack material, it will be difficult for us to do it realistically. Also, even though the good weather is starting now and we don't feel like being in class or studying at home, we have to think that there is not much time left and if we make good schedules, there will be time for everything, to study and to enjoy spring.

A good study plan

With all the notes up to date, with the list of assignments we have to submit and with the dates of the exams in sight (yes, literally in sight. A wall calendar in our room is what will prevent us from forgetting an important date or not calculating the time we have left to submit something), we must outline a plan of study hours necessary to ensure the desired result. We must make sure that it is a realistic plan and that we will be able to maintain it over time. It often happens that we demand too much of ourselves at the beginning, when we are highly motivated, and then we quickly deflate and give up. It's not about studying eight hours a day, it's about studying two hours and not giving up due to exhaustion. If we start preparing for the exams now and use good study techniques, we will have no problem with the exams and before we know it, we will be enjoying the beach.

Compulsory attendance

Yes, it's hot, the birds are singing, lying on the grass feels great, and on a terrace of a bar even better, but the day is long and we can do all that before or after class. We have already talked on other occasions about the importance of attending class and when to skip class and now, when it's time to make this final effort until the end of the course, it's time to remember our goals and not falter, because ruining our average by slacking off in the final stretch makes no sense.

Delicate moments

It's normal that, at this point in the course, we are fed up. At this time of year, there is always a decrease in motivation, even more so if we are already finishing our degree. But we have already come this far and we must continue, so we must do a little introspection and remind ourselves why we are studying what we are studying, what are our medium and long-term goals, and all those questions that will help us find the lost motivation. Let's try not to think too much about the things we could be doing instead of studying or going to class, and let's focus on thinking about how good we will feel when we have everything approved in June and move on to the next academic year.

No excuses

The "spring asthenia" is a myth, what we lack is motivation and what we feel is an accumulation of tiredness, so let's try not to justify our weariness with some technical name that gives us wings to ignore everything and let's get to work. The brain will always look for excuses to avoid tasks that are monotonous or unpleasant, but if we don't pay attention to that first impulse and seek motivation, it will be easier every day to meet our goals, and when we get our eDegree, we will be grateful that we didn't waste time. Good luck in the final stretch!