If we are so overwhelmed that we are thinking of dropping out of college, there are a series of strategies that will help us keep going and regain motivation. Sometimes, at some point during college, we think about quitting. It could be at the beginning, because it wasn't what we expected; halfway through, because we are tired and have lost motivation; or towards the end, because we only have a few difficult subjects left. In any case, dropping out of college should be a last resort. These types of crises are normal and, by applying the right tools, they will pass.
To not drop out of college, we need to look back
We need to remember that we chose to study for a reason: to have an
eTítulo that allows us to get a good job, to have a stable future, because we wanted to learn, etc. Whatever the reason, it is normal for us to forget those reasons or feel that we have changed, so we need to remember them from time to time. Remembering the excitement and expectations we had at the beginning will help us reconnect with our initial motivation.
Maintaining a positive attitude is important
Positive people see obstacles as learning opportunities and focus on the goals they can achieve and on the present, working day by day to achieve them. We have a lot to learn from
positive people because they hardly get discouraged or give up. This shows that how we approach our studies, how we face college, and what our attitude towards it will depend almost entirely on how we handle our emotions. If we spend the day thinking about what we don't like or what is difficult for us, we will be making our day-to-day life a living hell. It is much more practical to focus on the most enjoyable aspects and list them every time negative thoughts overwhelm us. Making a list of everything that makes us happy and reading it regularly is a good strategy to not feel like dropping out of college.
Goals that remind us why we are here
Maybe we don't like college, but if we have chosen it, it is probably because the professions we can pursue afterwards do interest us or will enable us to have the life we want. We need to focus on that because it will help us not to drop out of college halfway through. Visualizing the goal makes the effort and sometimes the hardships worthwhile. We must keep in mind that, compared to the four years that a degree normally lasts, the duration of our working life will be much longer, so if we like the job but not the studies, let's see them as a step we have to take to lead the life we want.
Putting things into perspective is important to not drop out of college
Giving more importance to things we don't like than they deserve will only harm us and make us more likely to drop out of college. We all have the ability to be dramatic and see everything in a negative light, but we must avoid it at all costs. Seeing everything worse than it actually is will only hurt us, which is why putting things into perspective is so important. Are there unbearable teachers? Yes. Are there boring, difficult, or extremely stressful subjects? Of course. Do class hours pass so slowly that they seem endless? Definitely. All of that and more. But if we spend our lives thinking about these "problems," we will end up dropping out of college. To live in society, have personal relationships, family, work, and be independent individuals, we need to develop a certain
tolerance for frustration. Yes, it is true that studying can sometimes be boring or stressful, but it is not that serious. It is not a punishment from God or an incurable disease. Studying is a privilege that will improve our future, and although it is not always a bed of roses, the advantages far outweigh any discomfort it may cause. Therefore, to not drop out of college, we must reduce the drama and put things into perspective.
When we really can't take it anymore
Before making such a drastic decision as dropping out of college, we must try everything and really give it our all. But if nothing works for us, if we have chosen our studies due to external pressures, if nothing interests us even a little bit and we are suffering, it must be clear that our health comes first. However, before simply dropping out and drifting aimlessly, it is better to find a way to
switch to another degree that interests us more, or to pursue a vocational training program, which is shorter and more practical. Dropping out of college is a mistake, unless we resume our studies later on or switch to other studies that we like more.