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Tips for managing time and reducing stress

Tips for managing time and reducing stress
Time is a valuable and limited resource, especially when we are studying. Learning to manage it well is learning to live better. Are you in? Efficiently managing time can make the difference between academic success and failure, so it is good to apply a series of basic tricks to optimize time, reduce stress, and achieve a brilliant academic record with our eTitle.

Prioritize tasks

Studying a degree fills our agenda with a lot of daily activities and weekly commitments, so it is crucial to identify the most important and urgent tasks and focus on them first. To start, it helps to make a list of all the pending tasks and then identify which ones are more urgent. We can use what is known as the Eisenhower matrix, which is precisely a time management tool that helps us classify tasks based on their importance and urgency. To do this, we must divide what we have to do into four quadrants: important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. But, in addition, we must constantly reevaluate. The prioritization process is not static; it is important to review and adjust our priorities regularly as our circumstances and goals change.

Organize the agenda

It is essential to use some type of planning tool such as agendas or mobile applications to organize our schedules and commitments. A well-organized agenda will help us maintain control over our activities and know exactly what tasks we have pending each day.

Set clear objectives

Before starting to work on a task, we must make sure we have a clear idea of the outcome we expect to achieve. By setting specific and measurable goals for each task before starting it, we will stay more focused and avoid wasting time on irrelevant activities.

Set achievable goals

Let's divide our academic goals into smaller, achievable goals. Setting realistic goals will help us stay motivated and focused on our studies, as well as close stages and manage time better. It is also important to be realistic and not overload ourselves with more tasks than we can handle. It is important to be aware of our capabilities and limitations, as well as to take into account the unexpected and exhaustion.

Eliminate distractions

We know that they tell us this over and over again, but it is vital that we are able to resist the temptation to check our phone every 5 seconds or listen to music while reading the topic we need to study. It is important that we find a quiet and distraction-free place to concentrate better because otherwise, we will spend more hours studying the syllabus and waste valuable time that we could use to do something else we enjoy more than pretending to study while looking at Instagram.

Pomodoro technique

As we have explained before, the Pomodoro technique is an effective strategy to improve concentration and productivity. It consists of working for short periods of time (25 minutes) followed by short breaks (5 minutes). This way, during the work phase, we will be fully focused. Seek support and collaboration Let's not hesitate to ask for help when we need it. Let's seek the support of our teachers or classmates. Sometimes, things are learned better and in a more enjoyable way when done as a team.

Learn to say no and not overload ourselves

Let's establish clear limits and learn to say no to activities or commitments that may interfere with our study or rest time. It is also not good to overload ourselves with tasks and leave leisure for when we graduate. If we are able to learn to manage our time well, we will not have to give up too many things and we will have a more satisfying life.