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What to do after finishing summer internships

What to do after finishing summer internships
Summer is ending and so are the summer internships. Let's make sure the ending leaves us in the best possible place and that the sacrifice was worth it.

The end of summer internships

In a few days, September arrives, and with it, the return operation, exams for some students, and for others, the end of summer internships. Two months after arriving at the company ready to make the most of the experience, it's time to say goodbye to colleagues and return to the classrooms to obtain our eTítulo university degree. The one that will guarantee us a more stable job in a short time. Are we sad to finish summer internships? Are we looking forward to it? Whatever the case may be, the image we leave behind at the end is the one that lasts, so be very careful during these days.

A good impression

But what should we do before leaving the position and once we have finished? There is a somewhat scatological saying that goes "For what little time I have left in the convent..." We won't finish the phrase, but you can look it up if you don't already know it. We use this saying when we want to express that something no longer matters to us, that since we are going to stop going to a place or doing an activity, we can allow ourselves not to make an effort or even sabotage something we have already done. It's a fairly common attitude. When something is about to end, we start caring very little about it, and that's exactly what we must not let happen under any circumstances when we are finishing summer internships, whether we aspire to return to this company or never want to set foot in it again, because you never know and in the world of professional guilds, everyone knows each other. If we work one hundred percent until the last minute, even if later at home we perform a mortal voodoo ritual on the management team, we will leave the best impression as professionals and we will ensure that either they consider us for future hires or they can recommend us to other companies.

Maintaining contacts

Surely during these summer internships, we have worked with professionals with great experience in our sector and we should never leave the company without their contact (and without following them on LinkedIn). Whether it's their phone number, email, or social media profile, the important thing is that they remember us when it comes to filling future vacancies or recommending us. If we have also met other interns, the same applies. Who knows if, in addition to a good friendship, we have gained a job contract in the future. Networking is what works best, as we have said many times.

Asking for feedback from our superiors

This point is really important, even if we don't care about their opinion. In addition to showing interest in the work we have done, if we have a brief meeting with our superiors to ask them to evaluate our performance, we will position ourselves as future candidates and as someone interested in learning from their own successes and mistakes. In other words, a real goal if we want to leave a good impression, always reacting to their positive comments and criticisms with humility, and without throwing a chair at their heads.

Requesting a certificate of completion

At the end of the internship period, we must request a document from our supervisor at the company or institution that includes the tasks we have performed, their duration, and, in some cases, the performance offered.

This is not a goodbye

Over the years, companies accumulate a significant base of interns. That's why it's as important to do a good job during internships as it is to periodically return to make sure they remember our work. It's not about going every week or becoming stalkers. It's always important not to exhaust anyone with our presence, but it is good to make sure we stay present in the thoughts of some people. That way, we will have more options to be chosen to, for example, cover a leave of absence or a vacancy.